When's the right time to talk about aged care?

When is the right time to talk to a parent about aged care?

When is the right time to talk to a parent about aged care?

It’s hard to know if you are having conversations about getting older too early – but you may feel it when you’ve left these conversations too late or have avoided them altogether.

We believe the best time to start a conversation with your parents about their wishes and goals, is always before you absolutely need to.

Far too often, family members tell us how overwhelming it is making decisions in stressful, rushed circumstances and without really knowing what their parents would have wanted for themselves. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We understand that having a conversation with a loved one about getting older can be challenging and emotional – for everyone. We’ve developed a series of short films, where you can follow one family’s experiences, from different points of view, as they find themselves making decisions about aged care.


This post is part of a series of frequently asked questions – discover all our Frequently Asked Questions here.

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