The Albanese Government’s continued investment in aged care will enable Helping Hand to significantly upgrade and expand our residential care homes in Whyalla, providing more quality care for local residents.

Helping Hand Chief Executive Officer Chris Stewart praised the Albanese Government for their $17.2m funding boost.

“This funding means more Whyalla residents will have access to quality care locally and be able to spend their final years close to their family and community,” Mr Stewart said.

“The investment will allow us to expand our services to make sure no one has to leave in order to get the care they need.

“With the support of the Albanese Government we will be able to upgrade all shared rooms to individual rooms with private ensuite bathrooms and increase capacity at our Yeltana residential care home. We will also be able to increase capacity and improve the amenities for our residents at our Copperhouse Court home.

“Developing facilities to meet modern day standards and expectations comes at a significant cost. The traditional hostel model of aged care, with share rooms and amenities does not deliver on dignity, safety and privacy. Rightfully, residents expect to be able to move into a private room with a private ensuite, which is why funding like this is crucial.”

The Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells said the government was committed to supporting aged care services in regional Australia.

“The Albanese Government continues to provide more than $600 million in grant funding to support building and upgrading aged care services for First Nations, regional, rural and remote communities. When the time comes, older people in Whyalla want to access aged care services in the community they know and love and be close to their families and cultural connections. This funding will support that to happen.

“Our investment directly supports aged care providers operating outside the major cities to build, modernise and improve their services so older people in Australia can have access to better quality aged care services where they need them.”

The recent Aged Care Taskforce report found Australia’s aged care needs are increasing as the population ages, and expectations of quality improvements are high.

“Residential aged care will always have a place in the community, and as the population of older South Australians rises, we need to make sure we keep up with improving the quality of the care available in regional communities,” Mr Stewart said.

Since acquiring Kindred Living in November 2022, Helping Hand has been determined to build on the legacy created by Whyalla locals to assist older and vulnerable people to remain living in their community as they age. Aged care services in Whyalla were established by the local community, and since first being invested into in 1968 have continued to grow.

“At Helping Hand, we take the responsibility to honour this history, and to continue this legacy, very seriously. We’re delighted that we have been able to secure this funding to develop and enhance the aged care services available to regional South Australians.”

The funding will help provide:


Copperhouse Court

(pictured above L-R: Chris Stewart, Helping Hand CEO; Graham Harding, Helping Hand Whyalla Residential Services Manager; Phill Stone, Whyalla Mayor; Melinda Richardson, Helping Hand Executive Manager Residential Services)

We are delighted to announce the launch of our Intergenerational Playgroup, the Learning Tree, at three of our residential care homes: Yeltana Whyalla, Ingle Farm, and North Adelaide.

What is the Learning Tree?
Our Intergenerational Playgroup, the Learning Tree, brings together residents of our care homes and children aged 0-5 from the community for a morning of fun-filled activities, storytelling, and bonding. It provides an opportunity for different generations to connect, share experiences, and create lasting memories together.

When and Where?
North Adelaide: Every Thursday, starting May 2nd, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Yeltana, Whyalla: Every Monday, starting May 6th, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Ingle Farm: Every Friday, starting May 10th, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. From Term 3 (week starting 22 July 2024), Ingle Farm’s playgroup will be held on Wednesdays, 10:00 am to 11:30 am

How to Participate
Residents, their families, and members of the community are all welcome to join us at the Learning Tree at any of our three locations. Simply come along with your children and grandchildren, aged 0-5, to enjoy the activities and connect with our residents.

Get in Touch
For more information please contact us  via phone 1300 653 600 or email.

Join us for a morning of laughter, play, and intergenerational connection at our Intergenerational Playgroup. Let’s create beautiful memories together!

In 2023, Helping Hand celebrates 70 years of service in South Australia

Since 1953, when we were established as a not for profit, Helping Hand has offered help and support to older South Australians. It’s hard to believe 70 years together all began with the passion and purpose of one man, and a single building in North Adelaide.

From humble beginnings, Padre Arthur Strange had a powerful vision to care for others. At a time when counselling and aged care services were non-existent or in their infancy, Strange’s outlook was progressive.

In 1953, his vision for helping older people came together when he spotted a For Sale sign on Molesworth Street North Adelaide. The Trustee gave him 12 hours to pay a deposit of £750 and secure the property. Only able to find £500, he called a church family conference and together they made up the rest to purchase the first building to be used for aged care services in North Adelaide.