Tony Zappia MP supports Helping Hand’s request for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.
On Monday December 9, Mr Zappia joined staff and residents at the Mawson Lakes care home for high tea and to formally present them with the requested flags and a new national flag.
When preparing for this year’s Remembrance Day service, Natalie McCarthy, Acting Wellness Program Manager for Helping Hand, discovered there was no Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander flags at Mawson Lakes care home. It was an omission she was determined to fix.
“I believed it was very important to obtain them,” she says. “There is an Aboriginal resident in the Mawson Lakes care home and plenty of staff who also wanted these flags available to include in cultural events.”
Mabel is a Kaurna elder who has been a significant figure in Australia as an Aboriginal rights activist. Her grandfather was an Anzac who died at war, and her father was born on 25 April 1915 (the first Anzac Day) and was named Anzac. The family is now up to five sons named Anzac, including Mabel’s grandson.
Natalie put her head together with Lifestyle Assistant Magda and decided to reach out to MP Tony Zappia’s office to request the flags. The response from his receptionist Anne was both immediate and positive.
“Anne was incredibly helpful and asked if we would like Tony to present the flags to the care home. We discussed this offer with the residents, and it was agreed that we should put on a high tea for Mr Zappia, as well as family and friends to formalise the occasion.”
The occasion was attended by around 25 people. Mabel’s son John performed a beautiful Welcome to Country and Mr Zappia explained the significance of each flag.
The new flags will be proudly hung up and displayed around the care home during future events.
Helping Hand would like to thank Mr Zappia for his generosity and time.